Lemon-Basil Apricot Preserves
  1. Clean your pint jars (or half-pint jars) so that they are ready to go when your preserves are ready to be canned.
  2. After washing apricots and lemon-basil take a handful of the pitted apricots and all of the lemon basil and put in the blender. Blend until smooth.
  3. Take 2 cups of apricots at a time and crush using a potato masher. Continue until all the apricots have been mashed.
  4. Combine the lemon-basil mixture with the rest of the apricots. Add the lemon juice and sugar. Put mixture on stove on high heat until it boils. Lower heat to medium and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. While your apricot preserves cook, put your canning lid tops in hot water to loosen the wax seal.
  6. Add pectin and bring back to a boil for 5 minutes.
  7. Use a wide-mouth funnel to fill your jars with the lemon-basil preserves. Remember to leave 1/4 inch of headspace in each jar. Adjust the lids and screw on the bands.
  8. Process jars for 15 minutes in a boiling water canner. Remove and cool on wire racks. You can turn the jars upside down after 20 minutes to even distribute the fruit, if you wish.