Raspberry-Blueberry Fruit Leather
2Fruit Rolls
2Fruit Rolls
  1. Wash and dry berries. Measure berries out using a 1:1 ratio and place in a blender. Pulse puree them until you have a nice pureed liquid.
  2. Pour out your pureed liquid onto parchment paper or plastic wrap. It’s important to spread out your puree so that you have about 1/8″ thick at the center and 1/4″ thick on the edges- this way the edges won’t dry out and become too brittle before the center is completely dehydrated.
  3. Dry the fruit puree for 5 to 6 hours at 135 degrees in the dehydrator (or oven). It may take a bit less or a bit more depending on your climate and atmosphere so check on it from time to time.
  4. Eat immediately or pack into lunches or freeze.
  5. Freezing: Roll up the fruit leathers and place in a plastic storage bag. Fruit leathers will last at least a year in the freezer this way.