Chilean Recipe for Avocado Celery Salad

Avocado and celery salad with lemon

In Chile the avocados are plentiful. And all of them beyond flavorful. Walk through a Chilean ‘feria’, a farmer’s market, and you’ll see. You’re likely to hear “Paltas! Tengo paltas a buen precio! Paltas!” as you pass by each overflowing vegetable stand overflowing. Stop and check out the produce. A few avocados will be sliced in half- Relish in their sharp greens and yellows.

Paltas” as the chileans call avocados (aguacate in most other Spanish speaking countries), are for sale at each stand. Sold by the kilo and at great prices- 5,000 pesos for a kilo, ($9.00 for 2 lbs) that it’s no wonder there are so many delicious avocado recipes made in Chile. Combine that with the hot desert temperatures that blow through in the Summers and you have an excuse to enjoy all the light Summer salads you can manage!

Avocado Celery Salad

Chilean Avocado Celery Salad
This salad is quick and easy to make. It only requires 5 ingredients and everything is probably already sitting in your pantry! Plus, it’s light and healthy. The perfect Summer salad that pairs nicely with the heat.

Just mix together lemon juice, olive oil salt, celery and avocado and you have a ready-made salad full of all kinds of good health benefits.

Wondering what the best way to cube an avocado is?

Best way to cube up an avocado best way to cube an avocado
Slice your avocado in half. Pull out the big seed and cut lines into the avocado flesh horizontally and vertically, creating a tic-tac-toe pattern. The avocado cubes will scoop out easily and perfectly with a spoon.

Scoop out the avocado cubes
Once your avocado is cubed you can add that to the rest of your Avocado Celery Salad ingredients.

Add the cubed avocados to your salad last so that they don’t get mushy and retain some of that nice cubing when served. Allow the salad to sit and the celery and avocado to absorb in the flavors.

Serve at room temperature or slightly below. Enjoy. Buen Provecho!
celery avocado Salad Time on a hot summer day

Print Recipe
Avocado Celery Salad
  1. Slice celery in 1/4" slices. Cube avocado.
  2. Combine celery, olive oil, lemon juice and salt in a bowl. Mix together. Add avocado last, so that it doesn't get mushy. Gently mix everything together.
  3. Let salad sit for at least 15 minutes to soak up the flavors. Serve as a light Summer side salad.
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Avocado Celery Salad is a light, easy to make salad that is perfect for spring and summer picnics, tea parties, gatherings or just for lunch. A quick recipe that takes less than 5 minutes to make and even the kids will enjoy eating their vegetables with this one!

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